How to Set-up the USS Sheet

How to Set-up the USS Sheet

Objective: To make the ultimate sourcing sheet connected to seller central as well as create the triggers to automatically get the amazon fees.

1. Make sure the client is sharing the screen and opening the USS (This is because the owner of the sheet should be the one to create triggers).

Here are the purpose of the triggers. 

myfunction - This trigger is use to automatically get amazon fees in Amazon website for the product - will run every 15 minutes but if the product has been already updated within the day, this will be skipped. 

resetTokens - This trigger is used for the importing of import sales and import restock that will run everyday from 12 midnight to 1 AM.

generateRestockReportsAccessTokens - This trigger is used for the importing of import restock, this will ask for a token on Amazon that will serve as the gate pass of the data. This will run from 1AM-2AM everyday. 

generateSalesReportsAccessTokens  - This trigger is used for the importing of import sales, this will ask for a token on Amazon that will serve as the gate pass of the data. This will run from 1AM-2AM everyday. 

generateSalesFile - This is also used in downloading the import sales file in Amazon and saving to the cloud then importing it to the sheet. This will run every 15 mins but if the file is already updated today this will be skip.

generateRestockFile - This is also used in downloading the import restock file in Amazon and saving to the cloud then importing it to the sheet. This will run every 15 mins but if the file is already updated today this will be skip.

3. Connect the USS to Seller Central by following this PDF:
4. After that set-up is now okay. 
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