Skill Based Assessment for USS Applicants

Skill Based Assessment for USS Applicants

This is a Situational. Kindly answer the following questions based from the policy form for USS. 

1. The Client sent a message to support team, he just recently purchased the USS sheet over the week and he has 4 remaining support calls. He heared that there is an add-on called USS-STK COGS add-on and he wanted to add it on his sheet. How would you deal with this issue?
2. The VA's client requested to have a call with the USS support team, the Client however is a 3 month member. How would you deal with this issue?
3. The Client incorrectly drag 1 formula generated cell and he is a 1 year old member. How would you deal with this issue?
4. The Client requests a tutorial for thier new VA within 2 month period and support calls are still available. How would you deal with this issue?
5. The Client paid a support call for an add-on, you already finished the add-on and as per checking with the client, it is working fine but the client noticed another error with the sheet but the error occured when his VA modified the formulated cell. How would you deal with this issue?
6. The Client requested a refund. How would you deal with this issue?
7. The Client paid a support call to fix the USS problem but then you could not fixed it as well as Pat. How would you deal with this issue?
8. The VA reported that there has an issue with the Sheet regarding API. The client is already a 2 years member. How would you deal with this issue?
9. There has been an update on one of the inputs on the add-on, the client requested to fix the problem however the client is a 5 months member. How would you deal with this issue?
10. There is an issue with the USS sheet and the client requested to fix the issue and the client is already a 7 months member, after investigation, you found out that it is a problem with the template formula. How would you deal with this issue?
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