How to delete triggers.
1. Go to Extensions>>Apps Script
2. Click triggers.
3. On the triggers interface. Click the 3 dots and delete the trigger.
To add the triggers.
1. Go to Automation>>Create Triggers.
2. If this is the first time adding the triggers. You need to authorize yourself.
3. Repeat Step 1. Then wait for the confirmation and press OK.
4. Edit all the triggers to make it notify weekly and not daily. Take note that you will receive emails for exceeded maximum execution error/warning. But do not worry, this is normal and part of a Google sheet limitation. Google only permits a script to run for a certain amount of time and then it will stop and send this notification. We do not have to worry because this is time-triggered. It will repeat the same cycle again and again.
5. To edit the trigger. repeat steps 1-2. Then you should see an edit button at the side of 3 dots.
6. Then just replace daily to weekly and then press save.
7. Do this to all the triggers.
After the above triggers are already set-up. You now have the full potential of the automation.