VAEXAM JOBMA | Reviewing of on hold candidates after finishing assessment

VAEXAM JOBMA | Reviewing of on hold candidates after finishing assessment

1. Login your account then navigate to dashboard (1).

2. Select job (2) and set the candidate status to 'Hold - Assessment (has jobma)' (3), then click search (4).

3. To mark as pass, click pass (5) and to fail, click reject (6).

4. If the pass (5) button is clicked, a modal will pop up, prompting the user to either send a Jobma link or manually conduct an interview by sending a Calendly link.

5. If you prefer to conduct the interview manually, click 'Yes, then send Calendly link' (7). Otherwise, if you want Jobma to handle it for you, click 'Yes, then send Jobma link' (8).
To revert the current action, simply click 'Cancel' (9).

6. After clicking 'Yes, then send Jobma link' (8), the candidate will receive an email invitation to take the Jobma AI interview.

7.  After clicking 'Yes, then send Calendly link' (7), the candidate will receive an email invitation to schedule an interview through Calendly. The candidate's status has been updated and can be viewed in the dropdown menu as 'Passed - Assessment (No jobma)

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