WP | How to delete a coupon
1. Logged in to WordPress. Make sure you have admin account. 2. Hover to member press then click coupons. 3. On the coupons panel, click trash. Then coupon will be automatically be deleted.
WP | How to create a coupon
1. Logged in to WordPress. Make sure you have admin account. 2. Hover to member press then click coupons. 3. On the coupons panel, click Add New. 4. It will open the coupon page. On the same page you can add the discount, it can either be a ...
Skill Based Assessment for USS Applicants
This is a Situational. Kindly answer the following questions based from the policy form for USS. 1. The Client sent a message to support team, he just recently purchased the USS sheet over the week and he has 4 remaining support calls. He heared that ...
Where can we find script editor/ Apps Script?
Additional Column for Purchases Tab
Created another column for purchases tab and looked up the order number in buy sheet.